A Wagtail quick-start template
Building on the wagtail start command this template adds:
- Docker / docker-compose development environment
- A choice of Postgresql, Mysql or Sqlite3 database
- SASS for css styling
- Pico CSS for almost classless styling
- esbuild javascript bundler and build system
- Testing mail server for development
- Database management GUI's
- Wagtail CMS v6.3

Includes code adjustments plus a guide to help you get the app deployed to PythonAnywhere.com using a FREE account.
Head on over to: https://github.com/wagtail-examples/wagtail-starter-kit and fork or clone it to your computer.
There's just one short command to run to get the site running on your development computer.
make quickstart
Copy code
Choose a database
Read about the backend setup and available database types
- Postgresql
- Mysql
- Sqlite3
Frontend features
Read about the frontend setup
- Compile Sass
- Compile Javascript
- and more...
Production Deployment
Deploy the starter kit: full setup instructions